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Meet Our Pediatric Care Experts: Dr. Macayla Richards and Dr. Natasha McDougal Mar 28th, 2025

At Pohala, we believe that caring for children is about more than just treating symptoms—it’s about nurturing their growth, supporting their families, and building a foundation for lifelong wellness. That’s why we’re thrilled to spotlight two of our exceptional naturopathic physicians, Dr. Macayla Richards and Dr. Natasha McDougal, who bring...

Self-Defense and Your Health: A Tactical Approach to Living Well Mar 12th, 2025

Is it better to die slowly by your own neglect or quickly at someone else’s hands?   As a retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer with over 30 years of boots-on-the-ground experience, I’ve spent my career teaching people to protect themselves. I was a certified Defensive Tactics and Firearms Instructor, trained...


Intravenous (IV) nutrient therapy is one of the most immediate replenishment therapies available. IV Therapy can easily help you recover fast, boost energy, sleep deeper & promote wellness. There are a number of situations where IV therapy is a choice for you.   These may include:    Cancer Support Undernutrition and...

I am not a fan of the term “Weight Loss.”   Feb 29th, 2020

I am not a fan of the term “Weight Loss.”  What are we losing? Where does the weight go? I would rather ask,  ‘What can we gain by having a healthy relationship with our body, mind, and spirit?’ I encourage my patients to examine their relationship with food when exploring...

Healthy Eating Strategies for Good Digestion Feb 29th, 2020

    Food Hygiene: Have you ever wondered why the exact same meal, eaten at different periods of time, can cause a wide range of symptoms or no symptoms at all?  Unbeknownst to many, the state of our nervous system may directly impact our ability to digest and process food (ie...

Environmental Detox Tips for Your Home in Portland Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Despite our crazy Winter weather, Spring  is around the corner and Pohala is welcoming this event with our: Spring Cleanse: Nutritional Detox and Reboot Class. This class is filled but that doesn’t mean we can’t share some detox tips with everyone. If you’re not in the class, let us know, and, if...

Nutritional Cleanse with Nurse Practitioners, Vera Vos and Julie Foster in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Would you like to get in sync with your body’s natural rhythms? All the way back to ancient times whether by circumstance or choice it is intuitively right for us to cleanse twice a year, Spring or Fall. Cleansing will increase your energy, reduce inflammation and improve your overall health?...

Natural Weight Loss Tips from Pohala Clinic in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Healthy eating is a big part of any medical health plan. At Pohala Clinic, we know that weight loss is not easy, but we also know from working with thousands of clients throughout the years that certain practices do work. We asked each staff member at Pohala for a natural...

How is Acupuncture Used for Health in China Feb 28th, 2020

We recently asked Pohala Clinic acupuncturist Malia Susee to talk about the uses of Acupuncture in China.  In China, acupuncture’s highest purpose is to promote longevity and vitality. People use acupuncture to prevent disease and to thrive throughout their lives. That said, the acupuncture wing I interned for in Nanjing, China...

Can Acupuncture Help with Pain? Ask the Dr. with Paresh Shelat of Pohala Clinic in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

By Dr. Paresh H. Shelat, Naturopathic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist at Pohala Clinic in Portland, OR.  In my clinical opinion, absolutely.  Both acute and chronic pain account for a billion dollar industry. With many different therapeutic modalities and approaches to reduce pain, and subsequent disability resulting from pain, what are patients...

Chronic Pain Management with Julie Foster Nurse Practitioner in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

  Pohala Clinic Client Julie A. Fast talks about working with Julie Foster for chronic pain management help. “Managing chronic pain is more than medications. It’s about lifestyle changes and helping a person find natural ways to exercise and work with the pain in order to have a functional life.” ...

The Creatures that Live in Our Bodies from Vera Vos, Family Nurse Practitioner Feb 28th, 2020

by Vera Vos One of the most fascinating and significant biological discoveries of this century is that we are not alone in our bodies. Human bodies are made up of approximately 37.2 trillion cells. There is an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms (single celled creatures) that live on and within us, about...

Visit Massage Therapist Tiki Jones at Pohala Clinic in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

“I believe that ever BODY needs a massage!”  We welcome our new massage therapy practitioner Tiki Jones, LMT to Pohala Clinic. She recently answered our getting to know you questions from the blog: What led you to the massage profession? My love of people and wanting to aid in their...

Help for Sleep When You Have Bipolar Disorder Feb 28th, 2020

Pohala Nurse Practitioner Julie Foster is often asked for quotes regarding her mental health work. Julie was interviewed for the following Health Central slide show on getting better sleep when you have bipolar disorder. From the article: Bipolar disorder responds well to a sleep plan that respects the body’s circadian...

What is Greenwashing? from Vera Vos Family Nurse Practitioner in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

At Pohala we pride ourselves in helping our patients be savvy consumers for their health. We all know what brainwashing is, right? But have you ever heard of greenwashing? Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing technique used to make consumers think a product is healthy, environmentally friendly and sustainable. Regarding nutrition,...

Primary Care Provider in Portland, Oregon: Julie Foster, Family Nurse Practitioner is a Primary Care Feb 28th, 2020

Why are Primary Care Providers so important?  Here are a few things that set PCP’s apart from other health care providers: Primary Care Provider’s are trained to treat the entire person, physically, mentally and emotionally. PCP’s  provide healthcare for all ages…. from infants to geriatrics. PCP’s get to know their...

Acupuncture and Chronic Pain Management by Paresh Shelat Naturopath and Licensed Acupuncturist Feb 28th, 2020

  Need help for chronic pain in Portland, Oregon? At Pohala Clinic, we offer a variety of natural pain relief options with an emphasis on the pain relief benefits of acupuncture. Did you know that Acupuncture can help alleviate pain from both acute and chronic conditions? Furthermore, Acupuncture continues to...

Exercises to Help Improve Memory with Lisa Del Alba, Naturopath in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

  Pohala’s Naturopath Lisa Del Alba brings attention to how exercise can help our memory. Having trouble with your memory? Are you becoming more and more forgetful? This informative article explains what kind of exercise improves memory, and why. Remembering names and faces, what the boss just asked us to...

Pohala Providers stay up to date with Medications and Prescribing Feb 28th, 2020

Today here is Julie Foster FNP and Donna London FNP at the Nurse Practitioner’s of Oregon’s Pharmacology Update. We learned about safety and use of medications for the aging population. Take home: Be careful as even OTC meds are very dangerous and poly-pharmacy leads to more problems than you may...

Nettle Tea with Julie Foster Feb 28th, 2020

Nettles:1. Tea for Iron Deficiency and Blood Building.2. Nettle vinegar for base of salad dressings and drinking vinegar eases digestion.3. Add to soups4. Saute with veggies. My sweet rescue dog Shasta was curious about them too. Just finished a cup of Nettle Tea. Yum!!!! – Julie Foster

Eat Breakfast Like a King Feb 28th, 2020

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper…this is advice of which anthroposophical doctors have long been aware. Digestive forces are strongest earlier in the day. Are you considering intermittent fasting? For most people, eating breakfast and lunch, and then fasting the rest of...

Healthy Books for 2019 from Vera Vos, Nurse Practitioner Feb 28th, 2020

by Vera Vos I love to start the New Year with a list of books I want to read. There are so many genres to choose from not to mention fiction or non-fiction. For the most part,  I’m not particular whether a book was written recently or if it’s an...

Antidepressants: How to reduce or taper off your Medications Feb 28th, 2020

  Warning!Most psychiatric drugscause withdrawalreactions, which caninclude life threateningemotional and physicalreactions. Withdrawalfrom psychiatric drugsshould be done carefullyunder experienced clinicalsupervision. Various studies suggest 50-86% of people experience withdrawal symptoms when coming off oftheir antidepressant, making some people feel they are addicted or dependent on them.Symptoms range from mild to severe, with...

Pohala Welcomes Feb 28th, 2020

We want providers who can bridge mainstream medicine to holistic ways of healing. While being experts in traditional medicine Pohala providers are also experts in an array of modalities.   We are pleased to announce our newest provider! Dr. Alexandra R Gotea ND, LAc is a licensed Naturopathic Physician and...

How is Your Heart Health? Feb 28th, 2020

A note from Pohala Naturopath Paresh H. Shelat ND, L.Ac. I work with people of all ages to evaluate physically and through lab work the condition of a person’s heart. This includes high blood pressure, high cholesterol, palpitations, risk of heart attack and overall heart health. I use a combination...

How to treat Viruses in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Many have been vulnerable to viruses since the snow has come to the NW. Remember we are always surrounded by germs. It just matters if the ‘submarine’ is breached per se. This happens when our immunity decreases or inflammation increases. For children viruses are like ‘cleaning the house.’A child most...

How Can Cinnamon Help with Warming the Body During Portland’s Rainy Season? Feb 28th, 2020

Malia Susee Acupuncturist tells us about Cinnamon: Cinnamon v. Cinnamon It’s cold and wet outside. I’ve been recommending cinnamon a lot these days. I have also been noticing that the internet has not been giving cassia, the cinnamon commonly grown in Vietnam and China, a fair shake. Ceylon cinnamon, that...

Help for Menopause in Portland, Oregon by Julie Foster Nurse Practitioner Feb 28th, 2020

  Are you suffering from Menopause? Although menopause is not a disease, it sure can feel like it as you transition into this stage of your life.  Perimenopause are the years (up to 12 years prior) of moving into menopause which are marked by 1 year of no menses or...

What is the Difference Between Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression? Feb 28th, 2020

  Depression is Complex All human brains can experience depression, but there is more than one kind of depression. The most common depression is situational where a person goes through a downswing due to a life experience. This depression can often be treated by therapy that is specific to the...

When to Use CBD and When to Be Careful with CBD Feb 28th, 2020

  With the war on drugs CBD oil is a better option for chronic pain control. When it works, it really works. It is best to take regularly and you can also start and stop without withdrawal symptoms. It is an option if you have generalized anxiety, PTSD, social anxiety....

New Mental Health Practitioner at Pohala helps with Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, Schizophrenia in Feb 28th, 2020

 He graduated from Yale School of Nursing, and completed a residency at the San Francisco Veteran’s Hospital.  He is an unique psychiatric prescriber in that he is openly critical of psychiatry and psychiatric medications.  This does not mean that he does not support the usage of medications, it means that...

Eating Disorder Help in Portland, Oregon with Nurse Practitioner Julie Foster of Pohala Clinic Feb 28th, 2020

Many of you know how my daughter was over-trained as an gymnast and ended up grossly underweight (BMI 14.5). Within a few months already thin she grew 3′ and did not gain weight. This is called the Female Athlete Triad: No Menses Tiredness Less intake than expended Over the years...

The Courage to Heal Feb 28th, 2020

One theme is to discuss the Courage  to Heal. I think it relates to… 1. What does it mean as a Healer to show up for a person to invite a space for healing to happen? 2. How can patients too have the Courage to stand in the face of anything...

Steroids, Allergies and Bipolar Disorder: Q&A with Portland Nurse Practitioner Julie Foster Feb 28th, 2020

Julie Foster Nurse Practitioner in Portland, Oregon Bipolar disorder author Julie A. Fast has been a client of mine for over 10 years.   We often discuss over the counter and prescribed medications that can cause mood swings for people with bipolar disorder. She’s currently writing an article on the topic and...

Help with Sleep from Portland Naturopath Lisa Del Alba Feb 28th, 2020

Lisa Del Alba Portland, Oregon Naturopath The term sleep hygiene might sound a bit odd at first. Isn’t hygiene about keeping the body clean and bruising your teeth? Yes, but as a word, hygiene means doing what maintains health.  We know that sleep is deeply connected to how we feel...

Portland Family Nurse Practitioner Vera Vos on Science, Medicine and Spirituality Feb 28th, 2020

Vera Vos, a family nurse practitioner at Pohala Clinic talks about the intersection between spirituality and medicine.  I am passionate about science. I love how science requires us to be rational and unbiased and I am always amazed how perfect science is, like the symmetry of shapes that repeat themselves...

Portland, Oregon Acupuncturist Malia Susee Answers Your Questions about Acupuncture Feb 28th, 2020

Malia Susee Portland, Oregon Acupuncture Portland, Oregon Acupuncturist Malia Susee answers your questions about her practice:   What is in your life personally that helps you have a better understanding of your clients? I don’t have a personal superpower or ace-in-the-hole for understanding others. I’m curious, though, and fascinated by...

Julie Foster Nurse Practitioner in Portland, Oregon Accepting Clients with Bipolar Disorder Feb 28th, 2020

Julie Foster has over 20 years of experience working with people who have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. She also works with clients who are not sure if there is bipolar or if it is simply depression or anxiety.   Do you wonder: Do I Have Bipolar Disorder?      Julie’s...

Naturopath and Acupuncturist Paresh Shelat in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Paresh H. Shelat, ND, L.Ac We welcome practitioner Paresh Shelat to the Pohala Clinic team. Dr. Shelat works as a naturopathic primary care physician and licensed acupuncturist with a focus on whole body health.  We asked him to tell us more about his medicine philosophy, his education and his treatment...

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and Cannabis: An Interview with Portland Nurse Practitioner Feb 28th, 2020

Julie Foster, nurse practitioner at Pohala Clinic in Portland, Oregon was recently interviewed by writer Lisa Ellis for on the topic of medical marijuana, psychosis and schizophrenia. As more states and countries legalize cannabis, it’s essential that all sides of the marijuana story are told. What helps many can...

Help from Acupuncture in Portland, Oregon with Malia Susee Feb 28th, 2020

Pohala Clinic focuses on the whole body experience for every client.  Whether you visit a practitioner for a specific illness, a check up or for chronic pain, our providers specialize in treating the body, mind and the spirit. Acupuncturist Malia Susee embodies this philosophy. If this is your first time...

Julie Foster Accepts Executive Committee Chair Position for the Nurse Practitioners of Oregon / Inde Feb 28th, 2020

  A note from Nurse Practitioner Julie Foster: I accepted the Executive Committee Chair position for Nurse Practitioners of Oregon / Independent Practice Business Owners (‘Wow, that is a mouthful) this month. With our difficult to navigate healthcare system in the United States,  I am passionate about practicing medicine that...

We Accept the Following Insurance Companies at Pohala Clinic Feb 28th, 2020

    Pohala is committed to providing the best care in functional and natural medicine in the Portland area. We have a variety of specialists including family care, nurse practitioners, naturopaths, psychiatric professionals, acupuncturists and body workers.   We will gladly answer any questions you have about insurance coverage. Feel...

Getting to Know Lisa Del Alba, a Naturopath in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Our Pohala Clinic practitioners represent a wide variety of experiences and approaches to medicine.   Choosing a naturopath is an important decision. We believe that knowing how a person thinks about health makes a difference in the naturopath and client relationship. We hope you enjoy these thoughts on life and...

Summer Loving: Keep your Cool in Fire Season by Malia Susee Licensed Acupuncturist Feb 28th, 2020

When fire is overabundant or unchecked, it can have far-reaching effects; Too much heat, light, and activity can damage fire’s relationship with the body’s other elements, manifesting in panic, insomnia, restlessness, mania, and even urinary discomfort, fever, and physical injury. So, how do we spark summer joy without being consumed by...

Healthy Snacks for a Natural and Nutritious Diet Feb 28th, 2020

Changing how we snack doesn’t have to mean deprivation. Innovations in snacks, oils, desserts, and more lets us have fun with food while staying healthy. Whether you want chocolate that helps with weight loss or chips that heal your gut, this list has you covered.   Eating Evolved Keto Cups...

How Can I Safely Reduce or Come off Psychiatric Medications? Feb 28th, 2020

  Have you then been told this is the return of your mental health condition or the emergence ofa new one and that you need to take your drug indefinitely? You may have experienced psychiatric drug withdrawal, and with a slow, gradual taper you may be able to stop taking medications. A...

Talk Story Feb 28th, 2020

  From Little Girl to Family Nurse Practitioner ‘I decided I wanted to be a nurse at the age of five. I loved caring for animals when I was younger…much to my mothers dismay, but the idea that I could care for “humans” happened when I saw a nurse on television...

How Does Acupuncture Help Knee Pain Feb 28th, 2020

Knees are particularly susceptible to pain and injury. They are a joint we often take for granted until they no longer work optimally or feel healthy. Maintaining knee health is essential as we age. Take care of your knees today through acupuncture. Acupuncture can help ease and eliminate both chronic...

Food and the Sacred by Julie Foster, Nurse Practitioner at Pohala Clinic Feb 28th, 2020

FOOD and the SACRED The HUMAN of the future will approach plants that are of use to them consciously; not as now when one reflects on what yields the best substances for one’s body; one will then have a vital relationship to every plant, for they will know what it...

Holistic Primary Care: Why does Chicken Soup heal Us? Malia Susee, Acupuncturist in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

Have you ever thought why Chicken Soup is helpful during a cold or flu? It is more than an old wives tale. You’ve already fought the cold…and lost. Why would chicken soup help now? Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts and Cold/Flus: Traditional Chinese Medicine sees cold and flu viruses as externally...

Spring Cleanse with Chinese Medicine Feb 28th, 2020

1) Start with a clean slate. “Detox” and “cleanse” diets are popular Spring approaches to reset the body’s systems after winter’s down-time and heavy foods. Seek advice from a medical provider or at least to help understand what kind of liver cleanse, fast, or detox regimen is right for your...

Pain Management and Acupuncture Feb 28th, 2020

Dr. Shelat notes:  Pain Education is an ever-changing and an increasingly popular topic these days.  This article does a great job at simplifying pain mechanisms.  Not only does this apply to massage therapy, and other types of manual therapy, but also applies to acupuncture and naturopathic manipulative techniques. Each of these therapeutic...

Why did Tyler Mostul become a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Feb 28th, 2020

 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Tyler Mostul is unlike most in that he has an unique perspective and aims to focus more on therapy, holistic approaches as opposed to pharmaceuticals. When warranted Tyler Mostul PMHNP has the expertise to prescribe pharmaceuticals and does so, thoughtfully. His original interest in psychiatry...

Natural Treatment for High Blood Pressure Using Nutrition, Exercise, Supplements, and Self Care Feb 28th, 2020

Do you have high blood pressure but don’t want to take medications with complicated side effects? The good news is that many individuals with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension can be treated naturally.  Dr. Paresh H. Shelat, a dual-licensed naturopathic primary care physician and licensed acupuncturist works with...

Seasonal Allergy Care in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

  Prevention: if you know you’re prone to airborne allergies and your symptoms have not yet started, there’s still time to herb up— Jade Windscreen Formula (a.k.a. Yu Ping Feng San) and its various modifications (formulated specifically for you by your acupuncturist) can help you ward off the sniffles, sneezes,...

What is Epigenetics Theory? Feb 28th, 2020

Article excerpt: Genetics is the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. Epigenetics is the study of how the environment around us and the choices we make can change the expression of inherited genes and whether these changes in gene regulation can then passed to a child. Richard...

Teens, Nutrition, and Acne Feb 28th, 2020

The woes of adolescence! Exactly during the time of our lives when we feel the least secure about our appearance is also the time we are most likely to have problems with acne. Is acne a normal and expected rite of passage for teens? In the US 79-95% of adolescents...

Genetic and Neurotransmitter Mental Health Testing in Portland, Oregon Feb 28th, 2020

  As a healthcare professional it is always my goal to carefully determine what medications work with specific patients. My clients who have depression, anxiety, bipolar, or schizophrenia all have different medication needs. Genetic testing give me another tool to get the medications right from the beginning. Whether you have a...

Family Nurse Practitioner Vera Vos in Portland, Oregon Shares her Journey Feb 27th, 2020

We love the diversity of our practitioners at Pohala Clinic.  The goal is to provide a variety of integrative and functional medicine practitioners who offer specific talents in order to fit individual client needs. In this post,  Vera Vos talks about her path to becoming a family nurse practitioner in...

Tobacco: A New Perspective Feb 27th, 2020

In my time and experiences with indigenous ceremonies I have come from despising this plant (my upbringing and medical training taught me how bad it is) to earning a greater respect to the actual being of the plant. I don’t believe it is the Tobacco that has harmed the people....

Pohala Clinic would like to introduce our newest addition for Healing to our patients! Feb 26th, 2020

I have been a licensed massage therapist since 2003. My original 1200 hour program was completed at The Hawaiian Island School of Massage and focused on medical treatment massage. I also have training in Thai massage, prenatal massage, Hawaiian lomi lomi, reflexology, infant massage, and yoga therapy. I have been...

Seed Cycling to Support Hormonal Health for Women Feb 25th, 2020

It involves eating flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds at different times of the month to balance certain hormones. Seed cycling is a nutritional and naturopathic remedy that is claimed to balance hormones by regulating the hormone estrogen in the first half of your menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone...

Health is not an Endpoint: What does it mean to be Healthy? Feb 25th, 2020

Health is between the places of building up/(making new) and breaking down (killing off). Because if there were too much of either we would be sick. We are fine tuned instruments. Even in illness you can find health as not everything falls to ill health at once. Steiner mentions the...


I had felt something coming on the week before I left. I was not on track with listening to myself and getting my remedies in. The day I left should have been a day in or slowly paced. Instead I woke at 3am against natural rhythms. After arriving in Denver,...