When to Use CBD and When to Be Careful with CBD
With the war on drugs CBD oil is a better option for chronic pain control. When it works, it really works. It is best to take regularly and you can also start and stop without withdrawal symptoms.
It is an option if you have generalized anxiety, PTSD, social anxiety.
It is an option for chronic illnesses that cannot be relieved other ways.
It is an option for headaches and seizures.
It is an option for a lifestyle of chronic stress.
It is an option for most cancers or auto-immune diseases like lymes, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, EBV.
For the aging elder it can be used with or instead of NSAIDs for arthritis.
As with anything from Nature it is a spiritual being that must be recognized and respected. I see it as a spirit helper in a way. If it is used in a exploitive and unconscious way I do not think it can work or can cause harm. A person must be aligned with a strong and compassionate ego when approaching something like CBD. We have seen all too often those who abuse substances.
It is NOT for the person who has a family history or personal history of Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Psychosis. Only then and unless it is closely monitored and it is a Hemp Based (not a marijuana based) can CBD oil be used carefully.
In cases where a person carries the genetics for mental illness they should not try Marijauna as THC or CBD, as it can flip the genetic switch for Bipolar, Schizophrenia, or Psychosis. I have seen this directly in my practice. It is sad and devastating. My friend, Julie A. Fast an expert on Bipolar and I have written on this before.
If you were to go to a dispensary, which you can in Oregon to find a pure, organic, non-gmo product that is reasonably priced and does not contain marijuana/THC it is nearly impossible and is cost-prohibitive.
I have been able to find one source for a purely CBD (with a trace of THC) that is hemp- based, organic, non-gmo and the cost is reasonable at Purium Health Products.
Before you start anything new consult your trusted provider.
Healing can Happen <img class="emoji" role="img" draggable="false" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/12.0.0-1/svg/1f4ae.svg" alt="
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