Nutritional Cleanse with Nurse Practitioners, Vera Vos and Julie Foster in Portland, Oregon

Would you like to get in sync with your body’s natural rhythms?
All the way back to ancient times whether by circumstance or choice it is intuitively right for us to cleanse twice a year, Spring or Fall.
Cleansing will increase your energy, reduce inflammation and improve your overall health? Join us on March 13th 2019 and learn more about using a whole foods cleanse to increase vitality and help the body naturally heal. Cleanses help us with countless health complaints such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety and brain fog.
Join Pohala’s Integrative Nurse Practitioners, Julie Foster NP and Vera Vos NP to discover how a nutritional cleanse program can help you get back on a path to health. They will discuss the benefits of a whole foods cleanse, explain the process and answer your questions.
Is a Cleanse Right for You?
If you want more energy, would like to improve your blood sugar, reduce belly fat, reduce the need for cholesterol and blood pressure medications or simply want to see how a change in diet can benefit your life, a cleanse is a good place to start.
Common benefits/side effects of our cleanse programs include:
– Weight loss
– Improved elimination and sleep
– Improved blood work (especially lipid profiles and blood pressure)
– Decreased aches, pains, and inflammation
– Healthier and better looking skin
– More energy
Julie & Vera can also answer your questions on how a whole foods cleanse compares to Whole 30, Paleo, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting and plant based diets.
When: Wednesday, March 13th, 2019
Time: 6-7p
Location: Pohala Clinic/Portland, Oregon
Cost: Free and registration is required as space is limited.
We hope you can join us and start the journey towards a healthy and energetic body in 2019 and beyond.
Julie and Vera combine many years of experience of Nutrition and Lifestyle education. Come hear their personal stories of nutritional cleansing applying safe, natural methods to increase health and vitality. Our methods are non surgical and are drug free.
Please email aleena@pohalaclinic.com or call Pohala (503) 572-4196 today to reserve a space for yourself. Feel free to bring a friend.
Pohala- A Place of Healing
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