Help for Menopause in Portland, Oregon by Julie Foster Nurse Practitioner

Are you suffering from Menopause? Although menopause is not a disease, it sure can feel like it as you transition into this stage of your life. Perimenopause are the years (up to 12 years prior) of moving into menopause which are marked by 1 year of no menses or by surgical removal of your uterus (hysterectomy). Common symptoms of menopause are Hot Flashes (do you feel like a volcano), Sleep disturbances (waking up in middle of the night for no reason), depression/anxiety, and heart palpitations.
After working with women for over 20 years and as I am now approaching menopause at the age of 49, I know very well these symptoms and what works for my patients.
Here are my 3 medications to get started on menopause management.
- Magnesium Glycinate – Nightly doses of magnesium will relax you, settle heart palpitations, and offer a deeper sleep.
- Avoid Sugar/Alcohol/Processed Foods as best you can. This helps lessen hot flashes naturally.
- Natural Progesterone at bedtime if the body can handle steroids.
Call today for an appointment with a Pohala practitioner. You can find relief from the symptoms of menopause.
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