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Pohala Providers stay up to date with Medications and Prescribing

Today here is Julie Foster FNP and Donna London FNP at the Nurse Practitioner’s of Oregon’s Pharmacology Update. We learned about safety and use of medications for the aging population. Take home: Be careful as even OTC meds are very dangerous and poly-pharmacy leads to more problems than you may think. Combining some medications maylead to dementia, sudden heart attack, kidney failure, and gastro-intestinal bleeding.

Pain meds in elderly reduce cognitive function, respiratory drive and only should be used if absolutely necessary. Topical is a better option many times.

Have you reviewed all medications ,even supplements with with a conscientious medical provider (like us at Pohala, many PCPs are too busy to keep up)?

Taking a pill rarely provides THE answer to your health. Are you looking for a cure or symptoms relief? We keep learning more and more have integrative therapies, like Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Mind Body techniques like EFT, meditation, prayer, and walking in nature improve many health concerns without all the dangerous side effects of pharmaceuticals.

We aim to use the least amount or none of allopathic pharmaceuticals in our patients. But if we choose to we are experts in prescribing. Safety and Quality of Life is paramount.

Food is medicine, Healthy Lifestyle can heal, and Positive Relationships can reduce Pain. 

Follow up with your health care provider and review your medications.

Call Pohala to review your medications with one of our amazing providers. We still can schedule you in a short time (1day to 1 week), unlike most PCPs 6-8 weeks out for an appointment

(503) 572-4196

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